This is a personal blog and the information provided here is based entirely on my own experience. If you decide to try out any of the ideas described on this blog, you are doing so at your own risk.

The information provided on this blog relating to planning and self-development is based on my own personal experience. Everything I recommend in this area of the blog is my own opinion (unless otherwise stated) and based on my experience of going through these processes and finding out what strategies are most successful for me. I am not a legal advisor.

 Comment Policy

I welcome and encourage comments and ideas from readers of this blog. However, when commenting on my posts or on other readers’ comments please remember that you are writing to a real live human being with feelings.

Please show respect at all times. I reserve the right to delete any comments which I deem to be disrespectful, insulting, libellous, defamatory, obscene, abusive or threatening. In other words, play nice, your negativity is not welcome here! If you don’t like my posts, I’m sure you can find another blog which better suits your tastes; there are certainly plenty out there to choose from.

Random or spam comments which do not relate directly to the content of the post will be deleted. Similarly, any comments written in a language other than English will be deleted.

Comments containing links will be held back for moderation if, after moderation, the link is found to be relevant to the post or helpful to my readers I may allow the comment to be posted with the link included. However, please bear in mind that any comments containing links may be deleted by my spam filter before moderation takes place.

If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue.


All images and text on this site are the property of Janet’s Craft Corner unless otherwise stated. You may use my photos or ideas only if they link back to my original post and give me credit for my work. However, please do not remove watermarks, crop or edit any of my images without first obtaining written permission from me.

All free downloads are for personal use only.

I welcome and appreciate the pinning and sharing of my images on social media only if you link back to my blog and I am given credit for my work.

Thank you for taking the time to read my terms, and I hope you enjoy reading the blog.

All the best,
