Wedding Reception Banner Made With a Cricut

This wedding reception banner was made for such a special moment for our family, my daughter’s wedding. Katie is a wonderful and talented young woman who has been through her fair share of adversity.

If ever a bride-to-be had earned the right to feel special on her big day, it was Katie.

One of the ways to help the happy couple have a wedding that stands out is through using custom crafted items to decorate for the ceremony and reception.

Being a crafter, we made several bespoke items for her wedding. This simple Mr & Mrs. banner turned out to be one of the standout creations that made the bride and groom feel even more special.

And the best part, with a Cricut and some simple cardstock, it is incredibly simple to make.

Mr and Mrs Wedding Reception Banner Made with a Cricut

For the banner I made there were two styles of pennants each with 2 layers plus the appropriate letter. The MR MRS letters had a sage scalloped back piece with a printed piece on top. The outside hearts and the “&” had a white back piece and a lavender lacy layer on top.

The instructions below will teach you how to create your own designs for many beautiful banners. These banners make great party decorations for any occasion.

Mr and Mrs Wedding Reception Banner Made with a Cricut

Supply List

  • Cricut Machine with fine point blade or other cutting machine.
  • Cardstock in appropriate colors. For me this meant white, lavender, sage, and a printed cardstock.
  • Permanent Vinyl. I used Cricut metallic vinyl in gunmetal.
  • Cricut mats. I used the light mat for all of my cuts but it will depend on the weight of your cardstock as to which mat works best for you.
  • Weeding Tools
  • Spray Adhesive
  • Transfer tape
  • Ribbon to connect pieces.
  • Hole punch


These instructions are for a Cricut Maker or Cricut Explore Air 2. I’m sure the procedure would be similar on the other cutting machines.

Step 1 – Create base layer of banner flag in Cricut Design Space

  1. Open Design Space with a new project.
  2. Insert a square shape. Unlock the sizing and resize it to 5.444 by 6.653.
  3. Insert a triangle shape. Unlock the sizing and resize it to 5.169 by 4.541.
  4. Rotate your triangle shape so that the upright side is parallel with the side of the square and overlap it as shown in the photo below.
  1. Duplicate your triangle shape and flip it horizontally. And move it to the opposite upright side of the square.
  2. Select both triangle shapes and align top.
  3. Select the rectangle and right triangle and align right.
  4. Note the X position of the rectangle and make the left triangles X position match. Using the align left function will not work for this.
  5. Once you have all three pieces where you want them, select all three shapes and click the weld button to create one sheet.
  6. This is the base shape for your pennant and works alone as is for the top layer in the printed cardstock in my example.
  7. Duplicate this shape twice so you will have one to make the scallop layer out of and one to make the lace layer out of.
  8. In addition, make any duplicates necessary to match your various color schemes. I usually change the color on the screen to something close to what I am going to be creating so it’s easier for me to visualize.

Step 2 – Create the scalloped layer in Design Space.

  1. Add a circle shape to your project and resize it to 1.187 x 1.187. You don’t need to unlock this to resize it.
  2. Duplicate that shape so that you have a total of 22 circles.
  3. Add a square shape and lay 1 circle over the bottom of the square exactly centered. Use the crossed lines in the middle of the circle to line it up.
  4. Select the circle and the square and click the slice button. You will end up with a square with a half circle out of it and two half circles.
  5. Select the top half circle and the square and delete them.
  6. Duplicate the bottom half circle.
  7. Place each half circle at the top of your pennant shape with about one half overlapping like this photo shows.
  1. Select all 3 pieces and align top.
  2. Start placing the remaining circles along the edge of the rectangle overlapping them slightly.
  3. Work your way all the way around the pennant until you have this. I like to place the circles behind the pennant shape so I get a better visual of the final result.
  4. Select all circles and the pennant and click the weld button.
  5. This is the shape that you will use for the back of your pennant pieces. If you are doing a color scheme that includes more than one back color duplicate as many times as necessary to have the correct number of colored backgrounds.

Step 3 – Create a “lace” layer

  1. Duplicate the base layer
  2. Click the images button on the left toolbar.
  3. Search for lace.
  4. Choose an option that you like.
  5. Resize the item to be larger than your base layer. How much larger than the base layer will determine how thick or thin the individual lines are.
  6. Select both your duplicated base layer and your lace layer and click Align.
  7. Select Center Horizontally and then Align Top
  8. Click Slice
  9. Delete out the entire duplicate base layer and the pieces of the lace layer that you no longer need.

Step 4 – Add letters to your banner

  1. Click the text button on the left toolbar.
  2. Add letters and symbols that you want on your banner. You probably want the letters to be in all caps.
  3. Click the drop down arrow next to the font and select one of the Cricut fonts you want. This is totally personal preference but be sure to choose a font that will show up from a distance. Your choices will depend on whether you pay for Cricut Access and what fonts you have installed on your pc.
  4. Resize the letters so that the M or largest letter fits on the banner pieces.
  5. Once you have the letters in the font and size you want, click Advanced on the toolbar and click Ungroup to Letters. This will separate the letters into individual pieces.
  6. For the heart, click images and searched for a heart that you like and then duplicated it.

Step 5 – Create the number of pieces you need

  1. Change the color of each piece to resemble the colors you will be using.
  2. Put together the sets of layers that will make each piece (2 layers per piece).
  3. Select both layers in a set and click group. Repeat for each grouping.
  4. Take each grouping and duplicate it the number of times you need for your banner.
  5. Arrange your banner pieces on the letter on the screen to make sure that you have the correct number of pieces.

Step 6 – Cut your pieces

  1. Cut your pieces the way you normally would. Be sure to select the correct type of material for each mat. You shouldn’t need to do any mirroring for this project.

Step 7 – Assemble your banner

  1. Using spray adhesive on the back of the top layer, assemble each flag in your pennant.
  2. Weed the vinyl and use transfer tape to put each letter on the appropriate style pennant.
  3. Once all pennants are completed, use a hole punch to put a hole in both upper corners. If you have a thicker ribbon, you may need to punch multiple holes around each other in order to make a large enough hole for the ribbon to fit through. Just be careful and don’t punch too close to the edge of the flag pieces or they may tear.
  4. Take your ribbon and feed it through left hole on your first flag from the front to the back.
  5. Take the ribbon across the back and feed it up through the right hole.
  6. Repeat this process for each flag in your banner in the correct order, pulling the ribbon through as needed.
  7. Pull the ribbon through so that you have enough ribbon on the end to drape appropriately wherever you are hanging the ribbon.
  8. Cut the ribbon on the left end so that that you have an appropriate amount of ribbon on that end also.

Your Wedding Reception Banner is Complete.

When the banner is complete, you have a bespoke item that is truly special. Often the newlyweds will use them in their home, either over fireplace, in their bedroom or a gallery wall with their wedding photos. All of your hard work will be treasured by the bride and groom for years to come.

Mr & Mrs Wedding Reception Banner Made With a Cricut

You could also make beautiful banners in different styles using these instructions for a bachelorette party, baby shower, birthday party, bridal shower, or a multitude of other celebrations. Just change colors and letters to match your decor.

Get creative and have fun.

For more Cricut projects, check out these posts.

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Send me a photo of your banner ( if you make one.

Mr & Mrs Wedding Reception Banner Made With a Cricut

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