Candy Cane Wreath with Glitter Snowflakes

My take on a candy cane wreath is a little different than those I keep seeing on Pinterest. My wreath uses giant candy canes and all candy canes face the same direction.

I’ve seen a lot of post for a candy cane wreath made with regular size candy canes in a heart pattern. I even made one a few years ago as you can see here.

Heart shaped candy cane wreath

Supplies Needed for a Candy Cane Wreath

16 Giant Candy Canes

Hot Glue Gun and extra glue sticks

E6000 Adhesive

Large Snowflake Medallion – I found mine at Dollar Tree

Small Snowflakes – I found mine at Hobby Lobby

Clear Elmer’s Glue

Extra Fine Glitter


Supplies for candy cane wreath

Instructions for a Candy Cane Wreath

Prepare the candy canes.

Before you make your wreath, you will need to unwrap each of the candy canes. Then, you will need to spray them with a light coat of acrylic. I recommend spraying one side, letting it sit overnight, turning them over, spraying the other side, and letting that also sit overnight.

Layout your wreath.

Layout your candy canes in the pattern you want to form your wreath. I decided to lay mine out with all the loops going the same direction. It’s important to make sure that all of the sticks touch and that the tip of each loop touches the next stick.

Layout for candy cane wreath

Glue your wreath.

Once you have a layout that you are pleased with, start gluing your candy canes together. Put some E6000 at each junction point and then add some hot glue on either side of it. Remember that hot glue will drip through when it is wet so I recommend putting in light layers of glue letting each dry before adding another layer to keep the glue from dripping, pooling, and attaching your candy cane wreath to your work surface. Make sure to let your hot glue dry completely before proceeding.

Add embellishments

Now comes the fun. Put the large snowflake medallion in the center of the wreath, hot gluing it to each of the candy canes that it is touching.

Ading center snowflake

Add a snowflake to the area where each loop attaches to the next stick. This will help to hide any globs of glue that you might have.

Adding small outer snowflakes

Add clear glue and glitter to the areas that you want. I decided to add it to all of the small snowflakes. Once I finished that, I realized that the glitter on them popped a lot more than the glitter on the center snowflake so I went back and added glue and glitter to it. Keep your glue layers thin so as not to create any globs.

Adding small outer snowflakes

Let everything dry completely.

Add a hanger.

I used a candy cane striped ribbon to create a hanger for my wreath. Just loop the ribbon through itself around one of the candy cane loops. Tie a knot in the top at the appropriate height to hang on your door and trim off the ends.

Add a bow.

After looking at my supposedly completed wreath, I decided it needed something more. I created one of my cheater bows and glued it to the hanger ribbon at the top of the wreath. Much better.

Completed wreath with hanger and bow

Your Candy Cane Wreath is Complete

Now you have a beautiful candy cane wreath that will look great hanging on your door or wherever else in your home you think it is appropriate. I decided to hang mine over a window inside above our piano. I’m really pleased with the way this wreath turned out.

Need more wreath inspiration?

This Christmas ball wreath DIY I made is the perfect addition to your decor. I’ll teach you a super simple way to make an ornament wreath out of Christmas balls.

Christmas ornaments wreath -

This Snowman Wreath is a whimsical fellow for the front door.

Want some more Christmas decor options, check out these posts.


You can check out all of my Christmas crafts and diy here.



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    1. I’ve had mine for 3 years now and they haven’t melted yet. It was stored in a climate controlled storage center when we lived in Florida and in a non-climate controlled storage center here in Missouri.

  1. The supply list had clear elmers glue, but the directions used a hot glue gun. Will it hold up using the elmer’s?

    1. Hi Stephanie,
      I’m sorry for the confusion. You are correct, you want to use hot glue for attaching the candy canes together. I just forgot to include the hot glue on the supply list. I have since also added some E6000 to make the bond stronger. I’ve updated the post for both of those.
      The clear elmers glue is for adding glitter to the snowflakes.

  2. Lovely! I love red and white for Christmas decorating.
    Does it get sticky at all? I see you say to spray it with acrylic, is that enough to seal it all in? Which type did you use?

    1. Thanks Julie! The acrylic seems to keep it from getting sticky. I live in Missouri so we’ve had everything from 75 to 30 since I made it. I used Minwax this time because that’s what I had on the shelf.